Welcome to My Blog

This is where I will be sharing what I hope will be helpful and encouraging advice, funny stories, and valuable guidance.

A Great Time To Refinance

Reading Time: 3 minutes

​It has been a while since I have written a financial planning article but I felt the need to write about refinancing today.
Many, if not most of you, may already know…

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Environment and social impact investing

Environment and social impact investing

Aliquam vehicula erat libero. Etiam elementum, ante ac cursus aliquam, tortor mi rhoncus elit, eu egestas libero eros in felis. Proin mollis, risus vitae pulvinar porta, est mi consectetur massa, eu auctor felis sem convallis quam. Vestibulum in justo imperdiet metus...

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Timeless Happiness

Timeless Happiness

In placerat ligula turpis, at pulvinar massa accumsan sit amet. Aenean congue porta tortor, vel viverra est interdum ac. Fusce in lorem ac velit placerat imperdiet. Cras tempor tellus sed lectus consectetur molestie. Fusce egestas urna erat, imperdiet dictum dui...

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My Theme for 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I have struggled to come up with my theme for this year. I feel like it is more challenging than usual.  I really wanted to go with “Less Is More” again. It was my the…

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A Success Habit (In a New Light)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Related to my article last week, I interviewed an impressive woman who is involved in the Catholic Church. She grew up going to Catholic schools and, from my perspecti…

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“Happy Money” – Conclusions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The book, Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton is right up my alley. I am all about living a happier life yet money is oft…

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Money and Happiness-5. Invest in Others

Reading Time: 4 minutes

​After a little break, here is the fifth article in my series on how to change your spending for more happiness in your life.  All of these articles have been based on…

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My 2020 Win

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I spend a lot of time thinking.  I am definitely an over-thinker and over-analyzer, just ask my husband.
I have been thinking about 2020 and what my “wins” were for t…

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